Parents are happy with us! Here's what they have to say ...

"Amazing people usually have amazing results! Thank you for everything!"
-- Robert Speight

"Metropolitan School is a great school! My nephew Aiden, almost 2 years old, knows his ABCs, can count from 1-10, is singing children's songs and you can understand every word he is saying. He is really learning - not just playing - they are really teaching! I recommend this school 5-stars. I love you Aiden Stubbs. Keep up the good work. May God bless this school"
-- Alberta Johnson

"I am writing to let you know how much I have appreciated the excellent job you have done over the past year. Greyson has really thrived in your care, thanks to your nurturing and creativity. He always looks forward to seeing your staff and all of the other happy children. Even though it's difficult for me wife and me to be away from him while we're working, I have peace of mind in knowing that he is in such good hands during those times."
-- A Proud Dad - Teco Stephens